Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sunny morning ....

Good morning from the mountain, lots of sunshine this morning so lots of plants and seeds going in the ground.

Got the cutest little email from park seeds this morning showing what garden plants you could grow and harvest in just thirty days.  Okra takes 30 days, who knew and many other plants...I love fast growing food.  Most everything I am planting takes at least 80 days if not more likely most take a hundred days...So I am going to plant some quicker growers too.  I do have beets and radishes in the ground, but I want

Bought more onions to go in the ground today. I am staggering there planting so I do not have three hundred onions all at

I have decried to add a rare tree to my collection, I am looking for the seeds to Quinine bark tree from Peru. The seeds are so hard to find, so at the moment I am a bit bummed about it.  Not giving up though.  In Florida I worked for this lovely women, her name was Porsche and she grew very rare and unusual plants and herbs.  I would give tours for her in her gardens. It was a great deal of fun and I learned many interesting things about food. At the time I was working with/for her I had no idea that in the future, my now I would be doing much the same as what she had done.  She was the nice person who taught me that lavender was edible, and I still use her lavender cookie recipe  to this day.  When I was not giving tours I was illustrating her newsletter.  Porsche was a brilliant women who taught me to lay out a plan that makes you happy, makes the world a better place and educates people.  Mind you at the time computers were still a new fad that many thought would soon die out, but yet here we are talking right now.

I think I may try to do a newsletter with the CSA boxes this year, teach people how to use more of what we grow, I can not wait to send the first boxes off.

I also wanted to share that our local Sheriff has decided to make the prisoners grow their own food and Mahanaim Farm is donating seed to this cause.  If you are local please consider donating your extra seeds and plants to the cause.  They also make them pay for staying in our one gets a free ride, so in our county if you do the crime you are going to be working the garden...Well done Fulton County!

Well lots to go and do so I need to log off for now...

Be blessed

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